Fabricación propia en fábrica, para garantizar la calidad del producto.

Quantity Required By Customer :Eight containers


The polyurethane foam pig's length typically ranges from 1.75 to 2 times the pipe size, with a disturbance of around 25 mm or 5% to 10% of the pipe diameter. This design ensures high elasticity, strength, and notable wear resistance, with deformation capabilities exceeding 50%.

foam pipeline cleaning

This foam pig boasts excellent maneuverability, effortlessly passing through tight bends and joints. In cases of blockages, its superior flexibility allows it to navigate obstacles efficiently. Users can even increase pipeline pressure to dislodge obstructions, mitigating the risk of pressure-related incidents.

Notably, the foam particles within the pig pose no threat to the pipeline's inner walls, making it ideal for cleaning pipelines with delicate inner wall finishes.

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